The following downloads are releases of Strolch, but remember that it is always possible (and fairly easily) to re-build the artifacts on your own by following the easy steps on the development page


Latest: Version 1.0.0-RC1

Full Strolch Bundle

eitchnet libraries:
Strolch Core:
Strolch Components:
Strolch tutorial/demo apps:

Snapshot: 1.0.0-Snapshot

Strolch Snapshot Bundle

The following downloads are nightly builds of the currently successfully build artifacts which were built on the continuous integration infrastructure:

eitchnet libraries:
Strolch Core:
Strolch Components:
Strolch tutorial/demo apps:

Moose Image

Moose is a software and data analysis tool written in Pharo and implements many of the ideas behind the Humane Assessment philosophy. To be able to analyze Strolch we provide an MSE and Moose Image to use with the Pharo VM

The MSE was generated using VerveineJ

Latest Strolch Snapshot MSE

Strolch Moose Image