
To start developing Strolch you need an installed:

Getting Started

Setting up Strolch is just a few lines:

git clone
cd strolch
git submodule init
git submodule update
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Note: If you want to run the tests, then either install a PostgreSQL DB and configure the users as is required by the project, or remove the project from the module build, otherwise the build will fail =))

After running the Maven build, you will have a full build of all Strolch projects. Now you can start modifying the projects, and add your own features, or, far more interesting, start developing your projects using the Strolch agent.

Strolch Project Configuration

To use Strolch in your own projects, look at the two tutorial apps on how they are configured. You can also simply copy the projects, modify the Maven POMs and remove what ever you do not need.

The following sections describe the Strolch configuration files and folder structure.

You can download minimal project structures here:

Project Structure

Strolch requires two main directories under the Strolch root:

Maven POM

Strolch is built using Maven, so here we show the minimum Maven POM.

Simple Java App POM

This POM creates a compressed file which contains a runnable Strolch instance. Just unpack and run the script.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





    <!-- main -->


    <!-- test dependencies -->





              <!-- When creating an executable jar, use copy-dependencies plugin with libs in lib/ dir: -->


Webapp POM

This creates a simple WAR which starts Strolch after deployed to a servlet container.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""





    <!-- main -->



    <!-- test dependencies -->








      <!-- This profile is only activated when building in Eclipse with m2e -->

Happy coding =))