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Raspberry Pi Image builder

This repository contains scripts to build a Raspberry Image from scratch.

Currently it is focused on Raspberry Pi 4 with a 64-bit architecture with the following features built-in:


Usage is simple:

  • Clone this repository
  • Change the default username of pi of the NEW_USER variable in the following files to suit your needs:
    • bootstrap_rpi4.sh
    • customize_rpi4.sh
    • etc/rc.local
  • Customize the customize_rpi4.sh script anyhow you see fit
  • Run the script as sudo ./bootstrap_rpi4.sh
  • After bulding, you will have a new file called raspbian-rpi4_arm64-<date>.img

Note: The initial build will take a long time, as it downloads the Kernel sources, tool chain and GCC and builds them all. Depending on the powerfulness of your system, you might want to modify the JOBS variable in install-kernel-rpi4.sh.


There is a bug where on an Ubuntu/Debian system the vmdebootstrap script might fail as it was not designed to build 64-bit ARM images. The workaround is to patch the script as follows:

sudo vi /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vmdebootstrap/constants.py
vmdebootstrap/constants.py | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/vmdebootstrap/constants.py b/vmdebootstrap/constants.py
index 9f39415..3d807c6 100644
--- a/vmdebootstrap/constants.py
+++ b/vmdebootstrap/constants.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ arch_table = {  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
         'package': 'grub-efi-arm64',
         'bin_package': 'grub-efi-arm64-bin',
         'extra': None,
-        'exclusive': True,
+        'exclusive': False,
         'target': 'arm64-efi',


These scripts were built with help from: