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Strolch Documentation Any good software has some decent documentation explaining concepts, best practices and gives examples. -6 2015-04-06T00:00:00+01:00 Robert von Burg

Strolch Documentation

Any good software has some decent documentation explaining concepts, best practices and gives examples.

So this post is to announce that there is now a new page on Strolch's website with a bit of documentation. This first documentation explains the Strolch runtime and some of the do and don't in Strolch code.

Bear with us, writing documentation takes time and can be outdated quickly, so we will make an effort to keep everything up to date and add more documentation, but this is a start.

So go ahead and read the documentation , and if you haven't already, also read the rest of the website which should give some more insight into the what, why and how of Strolch.