# GPTs This repo collect leaked prompts of GPTs ## Prompts of GPTs - [BabyAgi.txt](./BabyAgi.txt.md) by Nicholas Dobos - [Take Code Captures](./Take%20Code%20Captures.md) by oscaramos.dev - [Diffusion Master](./Diffusion%20Master.md) - [YT transcriber](./YT%20transcriber.md) by gpt.swyx.io - [科技文章翻译](./科技文章翻译.md) by Junmin Liu - [genz 4 meme](genz%204%20meme.md) by ChatGPT - [Math Mentor](./Math%20Mentor.md) by ChatGPT - [Interview Coach](Interview%20Coach.md) by Danny Graziosi - [The Negotiator](./The%20Negotiator.md) by ChatGPT - [Sous Chef](./Sous%20Chef.md) by ChatGPT - [Tech Support Advisor](./Tech%20Support%20Advisor.md) by ChatGPT - [Sticker Whiz](./Sticker%20Whiz.md) by ChatGPT - [Girlfriend Emma](./Girlfriend%20Emma.md) by dddshop.com - [TherapistGPT](./TherapistGPT.md) by David Boyle - [🎀My excellent classmates (Help with my homework!)](%F0%9F%8E%80My%20excellent%20classmates%20(Help%20with%20my%20homework!).md) by Kevin Ivery - [Moby Dick RPG](Moby%20Dick%20RPG.md) by word.studio