
1244 lines
44 KiB

* Copyright 2013 Robert von Burg <>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package li.strolch.privilege.handler;
import li.strolch.privilege.base.*;
import li.strolch.privilege.model.*;
import li.strolch.privilege.model.internal.*;
import li.strolch.privilege.policy.PrivilegePolicy;
import li.strolch.privilege.xml.CertificateStubsSaxReader;
import li.strolch.privilege.xml.CertificateStubsSaxReader.CertificateStub;
import li.strolch.privilege.xml.CertificateStubsSaxWriter;
import li.strolch.utils.concurrent.ElementLockingHandler;
import li.strolch.utils.dbc.DBC;
import li.strolch.utils.helper.AesCryptoHelper;
import li.strolch.utils.helper.AesCryptoHelper.SecretKeys;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static java.text.MessageFormat.format;
import static;
import static li.strolch.privilege.handler.PrivilegeCrudHandler.clearPassword;
import static li.strolch.utils.helper.ExceptionHelper.getRootCause;
import static li.strolch.utils.helper.StringHelper.isEmpty;
import static li.strolch.utils.helper.StringHelper.trimOrEmpty;
* <p>
* This is default implementation of the {@link PrivilegeHandler}
* </p>
* <p>
* The following list describes implementation details:
* <ul>
* <li>any methods which change the model are first validated by checking if the certificate has the appropriate
* privilege</li>
* <li>all model requests are delegated to the configured {@link PrivilegeHandler}, except for the session id to
* {@link Certificate} map, no model data is kept in this implementation. This also means that to return the
* representation objects, for every new model query, a new representation object is created</li>
* <li>when creating new users, or editing users then a null password is understood as no password set</li>
* <li>Password requirements are simple: Non null and non empty/length 0</li>
* </ul>
* @author Robert von Burg <>
public class DefaultPrivilegeHandler implements PrivilegeHandler {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultPrivilegeHandler.class);
public static final String SOURCE_UNKNOWN = "unknown";
private PrivilegeCrudHandler crudHandler;
* Reference to all active sessions
protected Map<String, PrivilegeContext> privilegeContextMap;
* Map of {@link PrivilegePolicy} classes
protected Map<String, Class<PrivilegePolicy>> policyMap;
* The persistence handler is used for getting objects and saving changes
protected PersistenceHandler persistenceHandler;
* The encryption handler is used for generating hashes and tokens
protected EncryptionHandler encryptionHandler;
* The password strength handler is used for validating the strength of a password when being set
protected PasswordStrengthHandler passwordStrengthHandler;
* The Single Sign On Handler
protected SingleSignOnHandler ssoHandler;
* The {@link UserChallengeHandler} is used to challenge a user which tries to authenticate and/or change their
* password
protected UserChallengeHandler userChallengeHandler;
* flag to define if already initialized
protected boolean initialized;
* flag to define if a persist should be performed after a user changes their own data
protected boolean autoPersistOnUserChangesData;
* flag to define if sessions should be persisted
protected boolean persistSessions;
* Path to sessions file for persistence
protected File persistSessionsPath;
* Secret key
protected SecretKeys secretKey;
* flag if session refreshing is allowed
protected boolean allowSessionRefresh;
protected boolean disallowSourceChange;
protected PrivilegeConflictResolution privilegeConflictResolution;
private Map<String, String> parameterMap;
private ElementLockingHandler<String> lockingHandler;
private ScheduledExecutorService executorService;
private Future<?> persistSessionsTask;
private Future<?> persistModelTask;
public SingleSignOnHandler getSsoHandler() {
return this.ssoHandler;
public UserChallengeHandler getUserChallengeHandler() {
return this.userChallengeHandler;
public PersistenceHandler getPersistenceHandler() {
return this.persistenceHandler;
public Map<String, String> getParameterMap() {
return this.parameterMap;
public boolean isRefreshAllowed() {
return this.allowSessionRefresh;
public boolean isPersistOnUserDataChanged() {
return this.autoPersistOnUserChangesData;
public EncryptionHandler getEncryptionHandler() throws PrivilegeException {
return this.encryptionHandler;
public RoleRep getRole(Certificate certificate, String roleName) {
return crudHandler.getRole(certificate, roleName);
public UserRep getUser(Certificate certificate, String username) {
return crudHandler.getUser(certificate, username);
public Map<String, String> getPolicyDefs(Certificate certificate) {
return crudHandler.getPolicyDefs(certificate);
public List<Certificate> getCertificates(Certificate certificate) {
// validate user actually has this type of privilege
PrivilegeContext prvCtx = validate(certificate);
prvCtx.validateAction(new SimpleRestrictable(PRIVILEGE_ACTION, PRIVILEGE_ACTION_GET_CERTIFICATES));
return this.privilegeContextMap.values().stream().map(PrivilegeContext::getCertificate).collect(toList());
public List<RoleRep> getRoles(Certificate certificate) {
return crudHandler.getRoles(certificate);
public List<UserRep> getUsers(Certificate certificate) {
return crudHandler.getUsers(certificate);
public List<UserRep> queryUsers(Certificate certificate, UserRep selectorRep) {
return crudHandler.queryUsers(certificate, selectorRep);
public UserRep addUser(Certificate certificate, UserRep userRepParam, char[] password) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(userRepParam.getUsername(),
() -> crudHandler.addUser(certificate, userRepParam, password));
public void addOrUpdateUsers(Certificate certificate, List<UserRep> userReps) throws PrivilegeException {
() -> crudHandler.addOrUpdateUsers(certificate, userReps));
public UserRep updateUser(Certificate certificate, UserRep userRep, char[] password) throws PrivilegeException {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(userRep.getUsername(),
() -> crudHandler.updateUser(certificate, userRep, password));
public UserRep removeUser(Certificate certificate, String username) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(username,
() -> crudHandler.removeUser(certificate, username));
public UserRep setUserLocale(Certificate certificate, String username, Locale locale) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(username,
() -> crudHandler.setUserLocale(certificate, username, locale));
public void requirePasswordChange(Certificate certificate, String username) throws PrivilegeException {
this.lockingHandler.lockedExecute(username, () -> crudHandler.requirePasswordChange(certificate, username));
public void setUserPassword(Certificate certificate, String username, char[] password) {
this.lockingHandler.lockedExecute(username, () -> crudHandler.setUserPassword(certificate, username, password));
public UserRep setUserState(Certificate certificate, String username, UserState state) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(username,
() -> crudHandler.setUserState(certificate, username, state));
public RoleRep addRole(Certificate certificate, RoleRep roleRep) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(roleRep.getName(),
() -> crudHandler.addRole(certificate, roleRep));
public RoleRep replaceRole(Certificate certificate, RoleRep roleRep) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(roleRep.getName(),
() -> crudHandler.replaceRole(certificate, roleRep));
public RoleRep removeRole(Certificate certificate, String roleName) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(roleName,
() -> crudHandler.removeRole(certificate, roleName));
public void initiateChallengeFor(Usage usage, String username) {
initiateChallengeFor(usage, username, SOURCE_UNKNOWN);
public void initiateChallengeFor(Usage usage, String username, String source) {
this.lockingHandler.lockedExecute(username, () -> internalInitiateChallengeFor(usage, username, source));
private void internalInitiateChallengeFor(Usage usage, String username, String source) {
DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("source must not be empty!", source);
// get User
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(username);
if (user == null) {
throw new PrivilegeModelException(format("User {0} does not exist!", username));
// initiate the challenge
this.userChallengeHandler.initiateChallengeFor(usage, user, source);"Initiated Challenge for {0} with usage {1}", username, usage));
public Certificate validateChallenge(String username, String challenge) throws PrivilegeException {
return validateChallenge(username, challenge, "unknown");
public Certificate validateChallenge(String username, String challenge, String source) throws PrivilegeException {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(username,
() -> internalValidateChallenge(username, challenge, source));
private Certificate internalValidateChallenge(String username, String challenge, String source)
throws PrivilegeException {
DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("source must not be empty!", source);
// get User
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(username);
if (user == null) {
throw new PrivilegeModelException(format("User {0} does not exist!", username));
// validate the response
UserChallenge userChallenge = this.userChallengeHandler.validateResponse(user, challenge);
// initialize a new privilege context
Usage usage = userChallenge.getUsage();
Certificate certificate = buildPrivilegeContext(usage, user, userChallenge.getSource(),,
if (!source.equals("unknown") && !source.equals(userChallenge.getSource())) {
logger.warn(format("Challenge request and response source''s are different: request: {0} to {1}",
userChallenge.getSource(), source));
persistSessionsAsync();"Challenge validated for user {0} with usage {1}", username, usage));
return certificate;
public Certificate authenticate(String username, char[] password, boolean keepAlive) {
return authenticate(username, password, "unknown", Usage.ANY, keepAlive);
public Certificate authenticate(String username, char[] password, String source, Usage usage, boolean keepAlive) {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(username,
() -> internalAuthenticate(username, password, source, usage, keepAlive));
private Certificate internalAuthenticate(String username, char[] password, String source, Usage usage,
boolean keepAlive) {
DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("source must not be empty!", source);
// we don't want the user to worry about whitespace
username = trimOrEmpty(username);
try {
// username must be at least 2 characters in length
if (username.length() < 2) {
String msg = format("The given username ''{0}'' is shorter than 2 characters", username);
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(msg);
// check the password
User user = checkCredentialsAndUserState(username, password);
// validate user has at least one role
if (streamAllRolesForUser(this.persistenceHandler, user).findAny().isEmpty())
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(
format("User {0} does not have any groups or roles defined!", username));
if (user.isPasswordChangeRequested()) {
if (usage == Usage.SINGLE)
throw new IllegalStateException("Password change requested!");
usage = Usage.SET_PASSWORD;
// initialize a new privilege context
Certificate certificate = buildPrivilegeContext(usage, user, source,,
// save last login
UserHistory history = user.getHistory();
if (history.isFirstLoginEmpty())
history = history.withFirstLogin(;
history = history.withLastLogin(;
// log"User {0} authenticated: {1}", username, certificate));
// return the certificate
return certificate;
} catch (PrivilegeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
String msg = "User {0} failed to authenticate: {1}";
msg = format(msg, username, e.getMessage());
throw new PrivilegeException(msg, e);
} finally {
* Returns a {@link Stream} of all roles of the given user. This includes the roles referenced by the user's groups
* @param user the user for which to stream the roles
* @return a stream of role names
public static Stream<String> streamAllRolesForUser(PersistenceHandler persistenceHandler, User user) {
return Stream.concat(user.getRoles().stream(), user
.flatMap(g -> g.roles().stream()));
public Certificate authenticateSingleSignOn(Object data, boolean keepAlive) throws PrivilegeException {
return authenticateSingleSignOn(data, "unknown", keepAlive);
public Certificate authenticateSingleSignOn(Object data, String source, boolean keepAlive) {
DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("source must not be empty!", source);
if (this.ssoHandler == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("The SSO Handler is not configured!");
User user = this.ssoHandler.authenticateSingleSignOn(data);
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(user.getUsername(),
() -> internalAuthenticateSingleSignOn(user, source, keepAlive));
private Certificate internalAuthenticateSingleSignOn(User user, String source, boolean keepAlive)
throws PrivilegeException {
DBC.PRE.assertEquals("SSO Users must have UserState.REMOTE!", UserState.REMOTE, user.getUserState());
UserHistory history = user.getHistory();
history = history.withLastLogin(;
// persist this user
User internalUser = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(user.getUsername());
if (internalUser == null) {
history = history.withFirstLogin(;
} else {
history = history.withFirstLogin(internalUser.getHistory().getFirstLogin());
// initialize a new privilege context
Certificate certificate = buildPrivilegeContext(Usage.ANY, user, source,,
// log"User {0} authenticated: {1}", user.getUsername(), certificate));
return certificate;
public Certificate refresh(Certificate certificate, String source) throws AccessDeniedException {
return this.lockingHandler.lockedExecuteWithResult(certificate.getUsername(),
() -> internalRefresh(certificate, source));
private Certificate internalRefresh(Certificate certificate, String source) throws AccessDeniedException {
DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("certificate must not be null!", certificate);
try {
// username must be at least 2 characters in length
if (!this.allowSessionRefresh)
throw new AccessDeniedException("Refreshing of sessions not allowed!");
if (!certificate.isKeepAlive())
throw new AccessDeniedException("Refreshing of session not allowed!");
if (!certificate.getSource().equals(source)) {
logger.error("Source of existing session {} is not the same as the refresh request's source {}",
certificate.getSource(), source);
// check the password
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(certificate.getUsername());
// initialize a new privilege context
PrivilegeContext refreshedContext = buildPrivilegeContext(certificate.getUsage(), user, source,, true);
// invalidate the previous session
// log
Certificate refreshedCertificate = refreshedContext.getCertificate();"User {0} refreshed session: {1}", user.getUsername(), refreshedCertificate));
// return the certificate
return refreshedCertificate;
} catch (PrivilegeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
String msg = "User {0} failed to refresh session: {1}";
msg = format(msg, certificate.getUsername(), e.getMessage());
throw new PrivilegeException(msg, e);
private synchronized boolean persistSessionsAsync() {
if (!this.persistSessions)
return false;
// async execution, max. once per second
if (this.persistSessionsTask != null)
this.persistSessionsTask = this.executorService.schedule(this::internalPersistSessions, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return true;
private void internalPersistSessions() {
// get sessions reference
AtomicReference<List<Certificate>> sessions = new AtomicReference<>();
this.lockingHandler.lockedExecute("persist-sessions", () -> sessions.set(
new ArrayList<>(this.privilegeContextMap.values())
.filter(c -> !c.getUserState().isSystem())
// write the sessions
try (OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(this.persistSessionsPath.toPath());
OutputStream outputStream = AesCryptoHelper.wrapEncrypt(this.secretKey, out)) {
CertificateStubsSaxWriter writer = new CertificateStubsSaxWriter(sessions.get(), outputStream);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to persist sessions!", e);
if (this.persistSessionsPath.exists() && !this.persistSessionsPath.delete()) {
logger.error("Failed to delete sessions file after failing to write to it, at "
+ this.persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath());
private void loadSessions() {
if (!this.persistSessions) {"Persisting of sessions not enabled, so not loading!.");
if (!this.persistSessionsPath.exists()) {"Sessions file does not exist");
if (!this.persistSessionsPath.isFile())
throw new PrivilegeModelException(
"Sessions data file is not a file but exists at " + this.persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath());
List<CertificateStub> certificateStubs;
try (InputStream fin = Files.newInputStream(this.persistSessionsPath.toPath());
InputStream inputStream = AesCryptoHelper.wrapDecrypt(this.secretKey, fin)) {
CertificateStubsSaxReader reader = new CertificateStubsSaxReader(inputStream);
certificateStubs =;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (getRootCause(e) instanceof SAXParseException)
logger.error("Failed to load sessions: " + getRootCause(e).getMessage());
logger.error("Failed to load sessions!", e);
if (!this.persistSessionsPath.delete())
logger.error("Failed to delete session file at " + this.persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath());
if (certificateStubs.isEmpty()) {"No persisted sessions exist to be loaded.");
for (CertificateStub stub : certificateStubs) {
String username = stub.getUsername();
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(username);
if (user == null) {
logger.error("Ignoring session data for missing user " + username);
if (user.getUserState() == UserState.DISABLED || user.getUserState() == UserState.EXPIRED) {
logger.error("Ignoring session data for disabled/expired user " + username);
if (streamAllRolesForUser(this.persistenceHandler, user).findAny().isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Ignoring session data for user " + username + " which has no roles or groups defined!");
// initialize a new privilege context
buildPrivilegeContext(user, stub);
}"Loaded " + this.privilegeContextMap.size() + " sessions.");
* Checks the credentials and validates that the user may log in.
* @param username the username of the {@link User} to check against
* @param password the password of this user
* @return the {@link User} if the credentials are valid and the user may login
* @throws AccessDeniedException if anything is wrong with the credentials or the user state
* @throws InvalidCredentialsException if the given credentials are invalid, the user does not exist, or has no
* password set
protected User checkCredentialsAndUserState(String username, char[] password)
throws InvalidCredentialsException, AccessDeniedException {
// and validate the password
if (password == null || password.length < 3)
throw new InvalidCredentialsException("Password is invalid!");
// get user object
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(username);
// no user means no authentication
if (user == null) {
String msg = format("There is no user defined with the username {0}", username);
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(msg);
// make sure not a system user - they may not login
if (user.getUserState() == UserState.SYSTEM) {
String msg = "User {0} is a system user and may not login!";
msg = format(msg, username);
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(msg);
// validate if user is allowed to login
// this also capture the trying to login of SYSTEM user
if (user.getUserState() != UserState.ENABLED) {
String msg = "User {0} does not have state {1} and can not login!";
msg = format(msg, username, UserState.ENABLED);
throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
PasswordCrypt userPasswordCrypt = user.getPasswordCrypt();
if (userPasswordCrypt == null || userPasswordCrypt.password() == null)
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(format("User {0} has no password and may not login!", username));
// we only work with hashed passwords
PasswordCrypt requestPasswordCrypt;
if (userPasswordCrypt.salt() == null) {
requestPasswordCrypt = this.encryptionHandler.hashPasswordWithoutSalt(password);
} else if (userPasswordCrypt.hashAlgorithm() == null
|| userPasswordCrypt.hashIterations() == -1
|| userPasswordCrypt.hashKeyLength() == -1) {
requestPasswordCrypt = this.encryptionHandler.hashPassword(password, userPasswordCrypt.salt());
} else {
requestPasswordCrypt = this.encryptionHandler.hashPassword(password, userPasswordCrypt.salt(),
userPasswordCrypt.hashAlgorithm(), userPasswordCrypt.hashIterations(),
// validate password
if (!Arrays.equals(requestPasswordCrypt.password(), userPasswordCrypt.password()))
throw new InvalidCredentialsException(format("Password is incorrect for {0}", username));
// see if we need to update the hash
if (this.encryptionHandler.isPasswordCryptOutdated(userPasswordCrypt)) {
logger.warn("Updating user " + username + " due to change in hashing algorithm properties ");
// get new salt for user
byte[] salt = this.encryptionHandler.nextSalt();
// hash password
PasswordCrypt newPasswordCrypt = this.encryptionHandler.hashPassword(password, salt);
// create new user
user = new User(user.getUserId(), user.getUsername(), newPasswordCrypt, user.getFirstname(),
user.getLastname(), user.getUserState(), user.getGroups(), user.getRoles(), user.getLocale(),
user.getProperties(), user.isPasswordChangeRequested(), user.getHistory());
// delegate user replacement to persistence handler
persistModelAsync();"Updated password for " + user.getUsername());
return user;
public boolean invalidate(Certificate certificate) {
// remove registration
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = this.privilegeContextMap.remove(certificate.getSessionId());
// persist sessions
if (privilegeContext != null)
// return true if object was really removed
boolean loggedOut = privilegeContext != null;
if (loggedOut)"User {0} logged out.", certificate.getUsername()));
logger.warn("User already logged out!");
return loggedOut;
public PrivilegeContext validate(Certificate certificate) throws PrivilegeException {
return validate(certificate, "unknown");
public void validateSystemSession(PrivilegeContext ctx) throws PrivilegeException {
// ctx must not be null
if (ctx == null)
throw new PrivilegeException("PrivilegeContext may not be null!");
// validate user state is system
if (ctx.getUserRep().getUserState() != UserState.SYSTEM) {
String msg = "The PrivilegeContext user {0} does not have expected user state {1}";
msg = format(msg, ctx.getUserRep().getUsername(), UserState.SYSTEM);
throw new PrivilegeException(msg);
// see if a session exists for this certificate
Certificate certificate = ctx.getCertificate();
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = this.privilegeContextMap.get(certificate.getSessionId());
if (privilegeContext == null) {
String msg = format("There is no session information for {0}", certificate);
throw new NotAuthenticatedException(msg);
// validate same privilege contexts
if (ctx != privilegeContext) {
String msg = format("The given PrivilegeContext {0} is not the same as registered under the sessionId {1}",
ctx.getCertificate().getSessionId(), privilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId());
throw new PrivilegeException(msg);
public PrivilegeContext validate(Certificate certificate, String source) throws PrivilegeException {
DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("source must not be empty!", source);
// certificate must not be null
if (certificate == null)
throw new PrivilegeException("Certificate may not be null!");
// first see if a session exists for this certificate
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = this.privilegeContextMap.get(certificate.getSessionId());
if (privilegeContext == null) {
String msg = format("There is no session information for {0}", certificate);
throw new NotAuthenticatedException(msg);
// validate certificate has not been tampered with
Certificate sessionCertificate = privilegeContext.getCertificate();
if (!sessionCertificate.equals(certificate)) {
String msg = "Received illegal certificate for session id {0}";
msg = format(msg, certificate.getSessionId());
throw new PrivilegeException(msg);
// validate that challenge certificate is not expired (1 hour only)
if (sessionCertificate.getUsage() != Usage.ANY) {
ZonedDateTime dateTime = sessionCertificate.getLoginTime();
if (dateTime.plusHours(1).isBefore( {
throw new NotAuthenticatedException("Certificate has already expired!");
// assert source did not change
if (this.disallowSourceChange && !source.equals(SOURCE_UNKNOWN) && !certificate.getSource().equals(source)) {
throw new NotAuthenticatedException("Source has changed for certificate " + certificate + " to " + source);
return privilegeContext;
public void validatePassword(Locale locale, char[] password) throws PasswordStrengthException {
if (!this.passwordStrengthHandler.validateStrength(password))
throw new PasswordStrengthException(this.passwordStrengthHandler.getDescription(locale));
public boolean persist(Certificate certificate) {
// validate who is doing this
PrivilegeContext prvCtx = validate(certificate);
prvCtx.validateAction(new SimpleRestrictable(PRIVILEGE_ACTION, PRIVILEGE_ACTION_PERSIST));
// persist non async
try {
return this.persistenceHandler.persist();
} catch (XMLStreamException | IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to persist model", e);
protected synchronized void persistModelAsync() {
if (!this.autoPersistOnUserChangesData)
// async execution, max. once per second
if (this.persistModelTask != null)
this.persistModelTask = this.executorService.schedule(
() -> this.lockingHandler.lockedExecute("persist-model", () -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to persist model!", e);
}), 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public boolean persistSessions(Certificate certificate, String source) {
// validate who is doing this
PrivilegeContext prvCtx = validate(certificate);
prvCtx.validateAction(new SimpleRestrictable(PRIVILEGE_ACTION, PRIVILEGE_ACTION_PERSIST_SESSIONS));
return persistSessionsAsync();
public void start() {
public void stop() {
public boolean reload(Certificate certificate, String source) {
// validate who is doing this
PrivilegeContext prvCtx = validate(certificate, source);
prvCtx.validateAction(new SimpleRestrictable(PRIVILEGE_ACTION, PRIVILEGE_ACTION_RELOAD));
return this.persistenceHandler.reload();
* Initializes the concrete {@link PrivilegeHandler}. The passed parameter map contains any configuration this
* {@link PrivilegeHandler} might need. This method may only be called once and this must be enforced by the
* concrete implementation
* @param parameterMap a map containing configuration properties
* @param encryptionHandler the {@link EncryptionHandler} instance for this {@link PrivilegeHandler}
* @param passwordStrengthHandler the {@link PasswordStrengthHandler} instance for this {@link PrivilegeHandler}
* @param persistenceHandler the {@link PersistenceHandler} instance for this {@link PrivilegeHandler}
* @param userChallengeHandler the handler to challenge a user's actions e.g. password change or authentication
* @param ssoHandler the {@link SingleSignOnHandler}
* @param policyMap map of {@link PrivilegePolicy} classes
* @throws PrivilegeException if this method is called multiple times or an initialization exception occurs
public void initialize(ScheduledExecutorService executorService, Map<String, String> parameterMap,
EncryptionHandler encryptionHandler, PasswordStrengthHandler passwordStrengthHandler,
PersistenceHandler persistenceHandler, UserChallengeHandler userChallengeHandler,
SingleSignOnHandler ssoHandler, Map<String, Class<PrivilegePolicy>> policyMap) {
if (this.initialized)
throw new PrivilegeModelException("Already initialized!");
this.executorService = executorService;
this.lockingHandler = new ElementLockingHandler<>(executorService, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 10L);
this.policyMap = Map.copyOf(policyMap);
this.encryptionHandler = encryptionHandler;
this.passwordStrengthHandler = passwordStrengthHandler;
this.persistenceHandler = persistenceHandler;
this.userChallengeHandler = userChallengeHandler;
this.ssoHandler = ssoHandler;
this.allowSessionRefresh = Boolean.parseBoolean(parameterMap.get(PARAM_ALLOW_SESSION_REFRESH));
this.disallowSourceChange = Boolean.parseBoolean(parameterMap.get(PARAM_DISALLOW_SOURCE_CHANGE));
this.crudHandler = new PrivilegeCrudHandler(this, this.policyMap, this.privilegeConflictResolution);
// validate policies on privileges of Roles
for (Role role : persistenceHandler.getAllRoles()) {
// validate privilege conflicts
this.privilegeContextMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
this.parameterMap = parameterMap;
this.initialized = true;
private void handleAutoPersistOnUserDataChange(Map<String, String> parameterMap) {
String autoPersistS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_AUTO_PERSIST_ON_USER_CHANGES_DATA);
if (isEmpty(autoPersistS) || autoPersistS.equals(Boolean.FALSE.toString())) {
this.autoPersistOnUserChangesData = false;
} else if (autoPersistS.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) {
this.autoPersistOnUserChangesData = true;"Enabling automatic persistence when user changes their data.");
} else {
String msg = "Parameter {0} has illegal value {1}. Overriding with {2}";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_AUTO_PERSIST_ON_USER_CHANGES_DATA, autoPersistS, Boolean.FALSE);
this.autoPersistOnUserChangesData = false;
private void handlePersistSessionsParam(Map<String, String> parameterMap) {
String persistSessionsS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS);
if (isEmpty(persistSessionsS) || persistSessionsS.equals(Boolean.FALSE.toString())) {
this.persistSessions = false;
} else if (persistSessionsS.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())) {
this.persistSessions = true;
String persistSessionsPathS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS_PATH);
if (isEmpty(persistSessionsPathS)) {
String msg = "Parameter {0} has illegal value {1}.";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS_PATH, persistSessionsPathS);
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
this.persistSessionsPath = getPersistSessionFile(persistSessionsPathS);"Enabling persistence of sessions to {0}", this.persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath()));
} else {
String msg = "Parameter {0} has illegal value {1}. Overriding with {2}";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS, persistSessionsS, Boolean.FALSE);
this.persistSessions = false;
private static File getPersistSessionFile(String persistSessionsPathS) {
File persistSessionsPath = new File(persistSessionsPathS);
if (!persistSessionsPath.getParentFile().isDirectory()) {
String msg = "Path for param {0} is invalid as parent does not exist or is not a directory. Value: {1}";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS_PATH, persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath());
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
if (persistSessionsPath.exists() && (!persistSessionsPath.isFile() || !persistSessionsPath.canWrite())) {
String msg = "Path for param {0} is invalid as file exists but is not a file or not writeable. Value: {1}";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PERSIST_SESSIONS_PATH, persistSessionsPath.getAbsolutePath());
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
return persistSessionsPath;
private void handleConflictResolutionParam(Map<String, String> parameterMap) {
String privilegeConflictResolutionS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_PRIVILEGE_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION);
if (privilegeConflictResolutionS == null) {
this.privilegeConflictResolution = PrivilegeConflictResolution.MERGE;
String msg = "No {0} parameter defined. Using {1}";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PRIVILEGE_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION, this.privilegeConflictResolution);;
} else {
try {
this.privilegeConflictResolution = PrivilegeConflictResolution.valueOf(privilegeConflictResolutionS);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = "Parameter {0} has illegal value {1}.";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_PRIVILEGE_CONFLICT_RESOLUTION, privilegeConflictResolutionS);
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
}"Privilege conflict resolution set to " + this.privilegeConflictResolution);
private void handleSecretParams(Map<String, String> parameterMap) {
String secretKeyS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_SECRET_KEY);
if (isEmpty(secretKeyS)) {
String msg = "Parameter {0} may not be empty";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_SECRET_KEY);
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
String secretSaltS = parameterMap.get(PARAM_SECRET_SALT);
if (isEmpty(secretSaltS)) {
String msg = "Parameter {0} may not be empty";
msg = format(msg, PARAM_SECRET_SALT);
throw new PrivilegeModelException(msg);
this.secretKey = AesCryptoHelper.buildSecret(secretKeyS.toCharArray(), secretSaltS.getBytes());
// remove secrets
private void validatePrivilegeConflicts() {
if (!this.privilegeConflictResolution.isStrict()) {
List<String> conflicts = new ArrayList<>();
List<User> users = this.persistenceHandler.getAllUsers();
for (User user : users) {
Map<String, String> privilegeNames = new HashMap<>();
conflicts.addAll(this.crudHandler.detectPrivilegeConflicts(privilegeNames, user));
if (!conflicts.isEmpty()) {
for (String conflict : conflicts) {
throw new PrivilegeModelException("There are " + conflicts.size() + " privilege conflicts!");
* Invalidates all the sessions for the given user and persists the sessions async
* @param user the user for which to invalidate the sessions
void invalidateSessionsFor(User user) {
List<PrivilegeContext> contexts = new ArrayList<>(this.privilegeContextMap.values());
for (PrivilegeContext ctx : contexts) {
if (ctx.getUserRep().getUsername().equals(user.getUsername()))
* Replaces any existing {@link PrivilegeContext} for the given user by updating with the new user object
* @param newUser the new user to update with
void updateExistingSessionsForUser(User newUser, boolean persistSessions) {
List<PrivilegeContext> contexts = new ArrayList<>(this.privilegeContextMap.values());
for (PrivilegeContext ctx : contexts) {
if (!ctx.getUserRep().getUsername().equals(newUser.getUsername()))
replacePrivilegeContextForCert(newUser, ctx.getCertificate());
if (persistSessions)
* Replaces any existing {@link PrivilegeContext} for users with the given role
* @param role the role to update with
void updateExistingSessionsWithNewRole(Role role) {
List<PrivilegeContext> contexts = new ArrayList<>(this.privilegeContextMap.values());
for (PrivilegeContext ctx : contexts) {
if (!ctx.getUserRep().hasRole(role.getName()))
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(ctx.getUsername());
if (user == null)
replacePrivilegeContextForCert(user, ctx.getCertificate());
public void runAs(String username, SystemAction action) throws Exception {
PrivilegeContext systemUserPrivilegeContext = initiateSystemPrivilege(username, action);
String sessionId = systemUserPrivilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId();
try {
// perform the action
} finally {
public <T> T runWithResult(String username, SystemActionWithResult<T> action) throws Exception {
PrivilegeContext systemUserPrivilegeContext = initiateSystemPrivilege(username, action);
String sessionId = systemUserPrivilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId();
try {
// perform the action
return action.execute(systemUserPrivilegeContext);
} finally {
public PrivilegeContext openSystemUserContext(String username) throws PrivilegeException {
return buildSystemUserPrivilegeContext(username);
private PrivilegeContext initiateSystemPrivilege(String username, Restrictable restrictable) {
if (username == null)
throw new PrivilegeException("systemUsername may not be null!");
if (restrictable == null)
throw new PrivilegeException("action may not be null!");
PrivilegeContext systemUserPrivilegeContext = buildSystemUserPrivilegeContext(username);
return systemUserPrivilegeContext;
* Returns the {@link Certificate} for the given system username. If it does not yet exist, then it is created by
* authenticating the system user
* @param systemUsername the name of the system user
* @return the {@link Certificate} for this system user
private PrivilegeContext buildSystemUserPrivilegeContext(String systemUsername) {
// get user object
User user = this.persistenceHandler.getUser(systemUsername);
// no user means no authentication
if (user == null) {
String msg = format("The system user with username {0} does not exist!", systemUsername);
throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
// validate password
if (user.getPasswordCrypt() != null) {
String msg = format("System users must not have a password: {0}", user.getUsername());
throw new AccessDeniedException(msg);
// validate user state is system
if (user.getUserState() != UserState.SYSTEM) {
String msg = "The system {0} user does not have expected user state {1}";
msg = format(msg, user.getUsername(), UserState.SYSTEM);
throw new PrivilegeException(msg);
// validate user has at least one role
if (user.getRoles().isEmpty()) {
String msg = format("The system user {0} does not have any roles defined!", user.getUsername());
throw new PrivilegeException(msg);
// initialize a new privilege context
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = buildPrivilegeContext(Usage.ANY, user, "internal",,
// log
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
String msg = "The system user ''{0}'' is logged in with session {1}";
msg = format(msg, user.getUsername(), privilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId());;
return privilegeContext;
private void buildPrivilegeContext(User user, CertificateStub stub) {
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = new PrivilegeContextBuilder(this).buildPrivilegeContext(stub.getUsage(),
user, stub.getAuthToken(), stub.getSessionId(), stub.getSource(), stub.getLoginTime(),
Certificate certificate = privilegeContext.getCertificate();
this.privilegeContextMap.put(certificate.getSessionId(), privilegeContext);
private void replacePrivilegeContextForCert(User user, Certificate cert) {
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = new PrivilegeContextBuilder(this).buildPrivilegeContext(cert.getUsage(),
user, cert.getAuthToken(), cert.getSessionId(), cert.getSource(), cert.getLoginTime(),
this.privilegeContextMap.put(privilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId(), privilegeContext);
public PrivilegeContext buildPrivilegeContext(Usage usage, User user, String source, ZonedDateTime loginTime,
boolean keepAlive) {
PrivilegeContext privilegeContext = new PrivilegeContextBuilder(this).buildPrivilegeContext(usage, user, source,
loginTime, keepAlive);
this.privilegeContextMap.put(privilegeContext.getCertificate().getSessionId(), privilegeContext);
return privilegeContext;