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<h1 class="page-title">Documentation: Do and Don't</h1>
<p class="lead page-description">This page discusses things you should and shouldn't do when using Strolch.</p>
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<p>Dos and Don'ts</p>
<li>1 <code>Service</code> per use-case, should mostly delegate to <code>Commands</code>.</li>
<li><code>Commands</code> implement use-cases or parts of it, and are thus reusable.</li>
<li>Subclass <code>ResourceSearch</code>, <code>OrderSearch</code> and <code>ActivitySearch</code> when
implementing use-case specific search - this allows privilege checking.
<li>One Transaction at a time - no TX inside of another TX.</li>
<li>Commands are added to TXs and performed on close: <code>tx.addCommand(Command)</code> and then <code>tx.commitOnClose()</code>
<li>Use <code>tx.flush() if you need to perform first some work and then as late as possible call <code>tx.commitOnClose()</code></code>
<li>Only access <code>ElementMap</code>s if really no other way, mostly use <code>tx.get*By()</code>, <code>tx.findBy()</code>
and queries - if a specific get is missing, then add the method to <code>StrolchTransaction</code> and
send a pull request!
<li>Use <code>*()</code> methods to iterate over all elements, if you don't want to use a search.
<li>Don't write logic in REST API beans. Delegate to other services, making your code reusable!</li>
<li>Transform to JSON using the <code>StrolchElementToJsonVisitor</code>.</li>
<li>References between objects is done by adding a <code>ParameterBag</code> with the id
<code>relations</code> to the object and then <code>StringParameters</code> with the value being the ID,
the UOM set to the type of element being referenced and the Interpretation set to the class type being
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