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<h1 class="page-title">Documentation: Searches</h1>
<p class="lead page-description">This page discusses Strolch Searches.</p>
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<p>As is custom for every framework, querying, or searching, the model must be possible. Strolch searches are
implemented using the <code>StrolchSearch</code> class and one of its concrete implementations: <code>ResourceSearch</code>,
<code>OrderSearch</code>, <code>ActivitySearch</code>.</p>
<p>A Strolch element always has two identifiers: <code>Type</code> and <code>Id</code>. The type is important as
it classifies an element. So if a car and a house would be modelled in Strolch, then those would both be a
<code>Resource</code>, but one of type <code>Car</code> and the other of type <code>House</code>. Both would
have different parameters. Thus when searching for objects, the first thing to do is define the type of
object being searched.</p>
<p>The Strolch search API is very expressive and offers multiple ways to perform the same search. The search API
consists of three components: The search classes, the search expressions and the search predicates. The
concept was taken from the <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Camel</a> project.</p>
<p>There are four main search classes:</p>
<li><code>RootElementSearch</code> - search for any of <code>Resource</code>, <code>Order</code> or <code>Activity</code>
<li><code>ResourceSearch</code> - search for <code>Resources</code></li>
<li><code>OrderSearch</code> - search for <code>Orders</code></li>
<li><code>ActivitySearch</code> - search for <code>Activities</code></li>
<p>No search is useful without a <code>where</code> clause, which are called search expressions. When writing a
search, there are multiple ways to add such where clauses. Either</p>
<li>override the <code>define()</code> method in your sub class and add the where clauses by calling the
<code>where()</code> method, or
<li>define special methods on the class e.g. <code>byColor()</code> which also calls the
<code>where()</code> method to add a search expression, or
<li>directly call the <code>where()</code> method after instantiating a search.</li>
<p>When extending the class, then the search expressions are available as methods on the super class, otherwise
you can statically import them from
<a href=""
<p>And of course a where clause needs operators, which are called search predicates. Just as search expressions
are available in sub classes, so are search predicates and can also be statically imported through
<a href=""
<p>Examples of search expressions with search predicates follow:</p>
ResourceSearch search = new ResourceSearch();
// predicate either as parameter, or chained
// negating
search.where(param("bagId", "paramId").isIn(Arrays.asList("red", "blue", "green")));
search.where(paramNull("bagId", "paramId")));
// boolean operations
search.where(id(isEqualTo("myId")) //
<p>Note how the predicates can be chained to the search expression, or passed as a parameter to the
<p>See the
<a href=""
target="_blank">StrolchSearchTest</a> for many ways in which you can implement tests.</p>
<p>Note that strolch searches requires privileges. Thus when you use a strolch search, add it to the role of the
user in <code>PrivilegeRoles.xml</code>:</p>
&lt;Privilege name="" policy="DefaultPrivilege"&gt;
&lt;Allow&gt;internal&lt;/Allow&gt; &lt;!-- internal used for when the search is done in an internal service --&gt;
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