# Strolch [![Build Status](https://ci.4trees.ch/buildStatus/icon?job=strolch)](https://ci.4trees.ch/job/strolch/) The main repository which contains all of Strolch. Strolch consists of the following modules: * li.strolch.utils * li.strolch.privilege * li.strolch.xmlpers * li.strolch.model * li.strolch.agent * li.strolch.service * li.strolch.persistence.postgresql * li.strolch.persistence.xml * li.strolch.rest * li.strolch.websocket * li.strolch.soql * li.strolch.mvn.archetype.main * li.strolch.mvn.archetype.webapp * li.strolch.bom * li.strolch.testbase * li.strolch.performancetest And of course the website itself: * li.strolch.website ## Getting Started Either use a version on Maven Central: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/li.strolch/li.strolch.agent Or install locally first: git clone https://github.com/4treesCH/strolch.git cd strolch mvn clean install -DskipTests Then you can create your own project. Please read the README files in the generated projects. To create a Strolch project see https://strolch.li/development.html ## More Information Find more to Strolch at our website: https://strolch.li