Services are written to implement a specific use-case. Commands are written to implemente re-usable parts of a use-case. The use-case can be abstract e.g. AddResourceService or very specific e.g. CreatePatientService.

Should the use-case be re-usable in different scenarios, then commands should implement the logic, and the services should then execute the commands. E.g. The CreatePatientService would use a CreatePatientResourceCommand and then use an AddResourceCommand in a single transaction, so that the task of creating the actual Patient Resource can be re-used somewhere else.

Services extend the abstract class AbstractService and then implement the method internalDoService(ServiceArgument). AbstractService defines generic template arguments with which the concrete service can define a specific input ServiceArgument class and output ServiceResult class.

The AbstractService class has multiple helper methods:

there are more - check the JavaDocs

Commands extend the Command class and then implement the method doCommand(). Commands have helper methods:

there are more - check the JavaDocs

The following code snippets shows how a Service and Command are used to perform the task of adding a new Order. Note how:


public class AddOrderService extends AbstractService<AddOrderService.AddOrderArg, ServiceResult> {

  protected ServiceResult getResultInstance() {
    return new ServiceResult();

  protected ServiceResult internalDoService(AddOrderArg arg) {

    try (StrolchTransaction tx = openTx(arg.realm)) {
      AddOrderCommand command = new AddOrderCommand(getContainer(), tx);

    return ServiceResult.success();

  public static class AddOrderArg extends ServiceArgument {
    public Order order;


public class AddOrderCommand extends Command {

  private Order order;

  public AddOrderCommand(ComponentContainer container, StrolchTransaction tx) {
    super(container, tx);

  public void setOrder(Order order) {
    this.order = order;

  public void validate() {
    DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("Order may not be null!", this.order);

  public void doCommand() {


    OrderMap orderMap = tx().getOrderMap();
    if (orderMap.hasElement(tx(), this.order.getType(), this.order.getId())) {
      String msg = MessageFormat.format("The Order {0} already exists!", this.order.getLocator());
      throw new StrolchException(msg);

    orderMap.add(tx(), this.order);

  public void undo() {
    if (this.order != null && tx().isRollingBack()) {
      OrderMap orderMap = tx().getOrderMap();
      if (orderMap.hasElement(tx(), this.order.getType(), this.order.getId()))
        orderMap.remove(tx(), this.order);