As is custom for every framework, querying, or searching, the model must be possible. Strolch searches are implemented using the StrolchSearch class and one of its concrete implementations: ResourceSearch, OrderSearch, ActivitySearch.

A Strolch element always has two identifiers: Type and Id. The type is important as it classifies an element. So if a car and a house would be modelled in Strolch, then those would both be a Resource, but one of type Car and the other of type House. Both would have different parameters. Thus when searching for objects, the first thing to do is define the type of object being searched.

The Strolch search API is very expressive and offers multiple ways to perform the same search. The search API consists of three components: The search classes, the search expressions and the search predicates. The concept was taken from the Apache Camel project.

There are four main search classes:

No search is useful without a where clause, which are called search expressions. When writing a search, there are multiple ways to add such where clauses. Either

When extending the class, then the search expressions are available as methods on the super class, otherwise you can statically import them from ExpressionsSupport.

And of course a where clause needs operators, which are called search predicates. Just as search expressions are available in sub classes, so are search predicates and can also be statically imported through PredicatesSupport.

Examples of search expressions with search predicates follow:

ResourceSearch search = new ResourceSearch();

// predicate either as parameter, or chained

// negating

search.where(param("bagId", "paramId").isIn(Arrays.asList("red", "blue", "green")));

search.where(paramNull("bagId", "paramId")));

// boolean operations
search.where(id(isEqualTo("myId")) //

Note how the predicates can be chained to the search expression, or passed as a parameter to the expression.

In addition to using predefined search search expressions, one can also just pass a lambda expression which performs a custom filter:

personSearch.where(person -> person.getName().length() == 3);

See the StrolchSearchTest for many ways in which you can implement tests.

Note that strolch searches requires privileges. Thus when you use a strolch search, add it to the role of the user in PrivilegeRoles.xml:

<Privilege name="" policy="DefaultPrivilege">
    <Allow>internal</Allow> <!-- internal used for when the search is done in an internal service -->