Birds View

A Strolch agent's architecture can be seen as a simple three-tier architecture. The presentation layer is mostly a web frontend, where the communication with the agent is done via REST API calls.

The agent itself implements the business logic using Services, Commands, Queries etc.

The agent can communicate with other 3rd systems using any API, where it is preferred to use JSON over REST.

The agent can use a standard RDBMS as a storage system, where currently DAOs have been implemented only for PostgreSQL. Should it be required, then any JDBC cabable RDBMS can be used, as no PostgreSQL specific SQL commands are used.

The following diagram helps visualize this:

Strolch Agent Bird View

Squirrel View

The following diagram shows a more detailed view of the architecture of a Strolch Agent.

Strolch Agent Squirrel View

A Strolch agent consists of the following main parts:

In addition to the main parts, Strolch contains inherit capabilities, which gives Strolch unique features when compared to other Java Frameworks: