======================== Generic Java XML persistence layer. Implemented to be light-weight and simple to use Dependencies ------------------------ XmlPers is built by Maven3 and has very few external dependencies. The current dependencies are: * the Java Runtime Environment 6 * ch.eitchnet.utils * slf4j 1.7.2 * slf4j-log4j bindings (only during tests) * JUnit 4.10 (only during tests) Features ------------------------ The idea behind XmlPers is to have a very lightweight database where each object is saved in its own XML file. The model for XmlPers is that for each persistable class the following information is available: * Type (e.g. the class name) * Optional Sub Type (e.g. some type in your class) * Id This is not forced on the model itself, but in the DAO. Persisting changes is done by delegating to XmlFilePersister and the DAO must convert the object to a XML Document. See the tests for a reference implementation. Building ------------------------ *Prerequisites: * JDK 6 is installed and JAVA_HOME is properly set and ../bin is in path * Maven 3 is installed and MAVEN_HOME is properly set and ../bin is in path * ch.eitchnet.utils is installed in your local Maven Repository * Clone repository and change path to root * Run maven: * mvn clean install