#!/bin/bash VERVEINE="/data/programs/verveinej/verveinej.sh" DIST_STROLCH="/var/www/eitch/www.strolch.li/dist/snapshot" ## Prepare the environment echo "INFO Bootstrapping..." if ! ./bootstrap_https.sh ; then echo "ERROR: Failed to boostrap!" exit 1 fi echo "INFO: Copying dependencies" cd .. mvn -DskipTests=true clean dependency:copy-dependencies echo "INFO Running verveinej..." if ! ${VERVEINE} -- -autocp . . ; then echo "ERROR: Failed to run verveinej!" exit 1 fi mv output.mse Strolch.mse echo "INFO Cleaning sources..." if ! mvn clean ; then echo "ERROR: Failed to run mvn clean!" exit 1 fi echo "INFO Packaging..." if ! tar --exclude="*/target" --exclude="*/.git*" -cvzf strolch_mse.tar.gz * ; then echo "ERROR: Failed to build package!" exit 1 fi if ! mv strolch_mse.tar.gz ${DIST_STROLCH}/strolch_mse.tar.gz ; then echo "ERROR: Failed to publish MSE file!" exit 1 fi exit 0