#!/bin/bash declare SCRIPT_NAME="${0##*/}" declare SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd ${0%/*} ; pwd)" root="$(cd ${SCRIPT_DIR}/.. ; pwd)" if [ ! $(which xmlstarlet) ] ; then echo "ERROR: xmlstarlet is missing!"s exit 1 fi function usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-c] [-p] [-r ] [-b ] [-o ] [-n ]" 1>&2; echo " -c create release branch" echo " -p push tags" echo " -r release branch to create or using for tagging and checkout" echo " -b branch to checkout from (important when creating the release_branch)" echo " -o version from which to release from e.g. 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" echo " -n release version e.g. 1.0.0-RC3" echo "" exit 1; } # get arguments while getopts ":b:o:n:r:cp" arg; do case "${arg}" in c) c="true" ;; p) p="true" ;; r) r=${OPTARG} ;; b) b=${OPTARG} ;; o) o=${OPTARG} ;; n) n=${OPTARG} ;; *) echo "ERROR: Unknown arg ${arg}" usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) # validate arguments if [ -z "${r}" ] || [ -z "${b}" ] || [ -z "${o}" ] || [ -z "${n}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Missing an argument!" usage fi if [ "$(git status --short)" != "" ] ; then echo "You have uncommitted changes!" exit 1 fi # set vars create_release_branch="${c}" release_branch="${r}" branch="${b}" old_version="${o}" new_version="${n}" push="${p}" # log what we are doing echo "root=${root}" echo "old_version=${old_version}" echo "new_version=${new_version}" echo "branch=${branch}" echo "release_branch=${release_branch}" if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then echo "Creating release branch." else echo "NOT creating release branch." fi if [ -n "${push}" ] ; then echo "Pushing to origin." else echo "NOT pushing to origin." fi echo "" function fail() { echo -e "\nWARN: Cleaning up after fail..." git submodule foreach git reset --hard origin/${branch} git submodule foreach git checkout ${branch} if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then git submodule foreach git branch -D ${release_branch} fi git submodule foreach git tag -d ${new_version} git checkout ${branch} git reset --hard origin/${branch} if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then git branch -D ${release_branch} fi git tag -d ${new_version} echo -e "\nERROR: Failed to release version ${new_version}" exit 1 } function build() { cd ${root} if mvn clean package -DskipTests 1> /dev/null ; then echo "INFO: Build OK" return 0; else echo "ERROR: Build failed!" echo "INFO: Run mvn clean package -DskipTests to see the build problems!" return 1; fi } function createBundle() { cd "${root}/li.strolch.dev" if ./createBundle.sh 1> /dev/null ; then echo "INFO: Bundle creation OK" return 0; else echo "ERROR: Bundle creation failed!" echo "INFO: Run ${root}/li.strolch.dev/createBundle.sh to see the bundle creation problems!" return 1; fi } # create release branch if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then echo -e "\nINFO: Creating release branch..." if ! git branch ${release_branch} ${branch} ; then fail fi if ! git submodule foreach git branch ${release_branch} ${branch} ; then fail fi fi # checkout release branch echo -e "\nINFO: Checking out release branch..." if ! git checkout ${release_branch} ; then fail fi echo -e "\nINFO: Checking out submodules..." if ! git submodule foreach git checkout ${release_branch} ; then fail fi # build with old version echo "INFO: Building current version ${old_version}..." if ! build ; then fail fi # bump version echo -e "\nINFO: Bumping versions..." ${root}/li.strolch.dev/setVersion.sh ${old_version} ${new_version} if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then fail fi # show status echo -e "\nINFO: Git Status:" if ! git status --short ; then fail fi if ! git submodule foreach git status --short ; then fail fi # build with new version echo "Building new version ${new_version}..." if ! build ; then fail fi # commit and tag submodules echo -e "\nINFO: Committing and tagging submodules..." if ! git submodule foreach git add . ; then fail fi if ! git submodule foreach git commit -m "[Project] bumped version from ${old_version} to ${new_version}" ; then fail fi if ! git submodule foreach git tag ${new_version} ; then fail fi # commit and tag including ref to submodules echo -e "\nINFO: Synching submodules..." if ! git submodule sync ; then fail fi echo -e "\nINFO: Committing and tagging..." if ! git add . ; then fail fi if ! git commit -m "[Project] bumped version from ${old_version} to ${new_version}" ; then fail fi if ! git tag ${new_version} ; then fail fi # create bundle for new version echo "Creating bundle for version ${new_version}..." if ! createBundle ; then fail fi # update local working directory to original branch echo -e "\nINFO: Updating local work directory..." if ! git submodule foreach git checkout ${branch} ; then fail fi if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then echo -e "\nINFO: Removing submodule release branches..." if ! git submodule foreach git branch -D ${release_branch} ; then fail fi fi echo -e "\nINFO: Checking out branch..." if ! git checkout ${branch} ; then fail fi echo -e "\nINFO: Removing release branch..." if [ -n "${create_release_branch}" ] ; then if ! git branch -D ${release_branch} ; then fail fi fi echo -e "\nINFO: Updating submodules..." if ! git submodule update ; then fail fi # push to origin if [ -n "${push}" ] ; then echo -e "\nINFO: Pushing to origin..." git push origin ${new_version} git submodule foreach git push origin ${new_version} else echo -e "\nINFO: To push tags perform the following:" echo -e "git push origin ${new_version}" echo -e "git submodule foreach git push origin ${new_version}" echo -e "\nINFO: Or to delete the tags:" echo -e "git submodule foreach git tag -d ${new_version}" echo -e "git tag -d ${new_version}" fi echo -e "\nINFO: Released version ${new_version}" exit 0