# li.strolch.service [![Build Status](http://jenkins.eitchnet.ch/buildStatus/icon?job=li.strolch.service)](http://jenkins.eitchnet.ch/view/strolch/job/li.strolch.service/) Service API for Strolch # Running tests * Start PostgreSQL console and create the users: $ sudo -u postgres psql $ postgres=# create user cacheduser with password 'test'; create database cacheduserdb; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cacheduserdb to cacheduser; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE cacheduserdb TO cacheduser; create user transactionaluser with password 'test'; create database transactionaluserdb; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE transactionaluserdb to transactionaluser; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE transactionaluserdb TO transactionaluser; # You can revoke the privileges with the following: revoke ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE cacheduserdb from cacheduser; drop user cacheduser; drop database cacheduserdb; revoke ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE transactionaluserdb from transactionaluser; drop user transactionaluser; drop database transactionaluserdb;