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<h1 class="page-title">Tutorial: Model</h1>
<p class="lead page-description">Defining the model for the bookshop</p>
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<a href="tutorial-configuration.html" class="pull-left">Previous: Configuration</a><a href="tutorial-.html"
class="pull-right">Next: </a>
<p>Looking back at our functionality, we can list the following entities that need to be modelled:</p>
<li>Book &rightarrow; books can be orderd</li>
<li>UserCart &rightarrow; we want to store the cart of the user</li>
<li>Account &rightarrow; we need to know where to send the orders</li>
<li>Order &rightarrow; we need to know what was ordered and keep track of its state</li>
<li>FromStock &rightarrow; we want to use activities to implement the process of an order</li>
<p>In Strolch we model entities by defining the element as a template. Thus in the <code>templates.xml</code>
file we can add the templates with the following content:</p>
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
&lt;Resource Id="Book" Name="Book Template" Type="Template"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="parameters" Name="Parameters" Type="Parameters"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="description" Name="Description" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="quantity" Name="Quantity in Stock" Type="Integer" Value="0" /&gt;
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
&lt;Resource Id="UserCart" Name="UserCart Template" Type="Template"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="books" Name="Books" Type="Book"&gt;
&lt;!-- Parameter Id="bookId" Name="Book reference" Type="Float" Value="0" / --&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="relations" Name="Relations" Type="Parameters"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="account" Name="Account" Type="String" Interpretation="Resource-Ref" Uom="Account" Value="" /&gt;
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
&lt;Resource Id="Account" Name="Account Template" Type="Template"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="parameters" Name="Parameters" Type="Parameters"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="user" Name="User" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="firstName" Name="First Name" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="lastName" Name="Last Name" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="email" Name="E-Mail" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Name="Address" Id="address" Type="Address"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="phone" Name="Telephone Number" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="street" Name="Street" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="city" Name="City" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="zip" Name="Postal Code" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="country" Name="Country" Type="String" Value="" /&gt;
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
&lt;Order Id="Order" Name="Order Template" Type="Template" State="Created"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="books" Name="Books" Type="Book"&gt;
&lt;!-- Parameter Id="bookId" Name="Book reference" Type="Float" Value="0" / --&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="relations" Name="Relations" Type="Parameters"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="account" Name="Account" Type="String" Interpretation="Resource-Ref" Uom="Account" Value="" /&gt;
<pre class="pre-scrollable">
&lt;Activity Id="FromStock" Name="From Stock Template" Type="FromStock" TimeOrdering="Series"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Name="objectives" Id="Objectives" Type="Objectives"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Name="Duration" Id="duration" Value="PT1MS" Type="Duration" /&gt;
&lt;Action Id="Validate" Name="Validation of order" Type="Use" ResourceType="Validation" ResourceId="validation" /&gt;
&lt;!-- for each book we do a consume, i.e. reduce the stock quantity --&gt;
&lt;Action Id="Consume" Name="Consume Template for book" Type="Template"&gt;
&lt;ParameterBag Id="parameters" Name="Parameters" Type="Parameters"&gt;
&lt;Parameter Id="quantity" Name="Quantity" Type="Float" Value="0" /&gt;
&lt;Action Id="Package" Name="Packaging of Order" Type="Use" ResourceType="Packaging" ResourceId="packaging" /&gt;
&lt;Action Id="Send" Name="Sending of package" Type="Use" ResourceType="Sending" ResourceId="sending" /&gt;
<p>Let's explain a few things:</p>
<a href="tutorial-configuration.html" class="pull-left">Previous: Configuration</a><a href="tutorial-.html"
class="pull-right">Next: </a>
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