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<h1 class="page-title">Documentation: Privileges</h1>
<p class="lead page-description">This page discusses Privilege management in Strolch.</p>
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<p>No framework is complete without user management and privilege validation. The basic form would be Users and
Roles, and then validating that an authenticated user has a given role. In Strolch we go a step further: A
User has roles assigned, and each role has a set of Privileges. The privileges can overlap, a validation is
performed to make sure that the one role doesn't deny and another role allows a specific action.</p>
<p>As explained in the <a href="documentation-runtime.html#privilegeConfig">Privilege Configuration</a> section,
users are defined in the <code>PrivilegeUsers.xml</code> file, and roles are defined in the <code>PrivilegeRoles.xml</code>
<p>Let's assume the following user and role definition:</p>
&lt;User userId="1" username="jill" password="$PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512,10000,256$61646d696e$cb69962946617da006a2f95776d78b49e5ec7941d2bdb2d25cdb05f957f64344"&gt;
&lt;Property name="realm" value="execution" /&gt;
&lt;Role name="AppUser"&gt;
&lt;Privilege name="li.strolch.service.api.Service" policy="DefaultPrivilege"&gt;
&lt;Privilege name="li.strolch.model.query.StrolchQuery" policy="DefaultPrivilege"&gt;
&lt;Privilege name="" policy="DefaultPrivilege"&gt;
<p>This configuration contains one user and one role. The user <code>jill</code> has the role
<code>AppUser</code> and the role <code>AppUser</code> has three privileges assigned.</p>
<p>Note how the user's password is configured similar to a unix password definition: Using the dollar sign
<code>&amp;</code> first the hashing algorithm is configured (algorithm, iterations, key length), then the
salt, followed by the password hash.</p>
<p><code>Note:</code> The password can also still be saved using two separate fields: a salt and password field.
This configuration will be immediately changed to the unix form, so won't be described
further here.</p>
<p>Further a user always has a firstname and last name. Optionally a locale can be set, otherwise the system
locale is used. The user's state must be defined as one of <code>NEW</code>, <code>ENABLED</code>, <code>DISABLED</code>,
<code>EXPIRED</code> or <code>SYSTEM</code>. A user can only authenticate/login with the state
<code>ENABLED</code>. A user can have any number of properties, which can then be used at runtime. A user
can also reference any number of roles, the assigned privilege can overlap, a global configuration mode
defines how duplicate privileges are handled.</p>
<p>Roles have a name and any number of <code>Privilege</code> definitions. A Privilege has a name, which in many
cases is the name of Java class/interface on which an action is being invoked. The <code>policy</code> value
defines which policy to use when evaluating the privilege access. The privilege definition is defined in the
<code>PrivilegeConfig.xml</code> and is the name of a class to call for privilege validation.</p>
<p>Further the privilege definitions can have a <code>AllAllowed</code> boolean flag, or any number of <code>Allow</code>
or <code>Deny</code> values. How these values are interpreted is defined in the policy implementation. A
policy takes three input parameters: </p>
<li><code>PrivilegeContext</code> &rarr; supplied by privilege and gives access to the
<code>Certificate</code>, thus identifying the user for which privilege access is to be validated.
<li><code>IPrivilege</code> &rarr; Contains the privilege values: <code>AllAllowed</code>,
<code>Allow</code> and <code>Deny</code></li>
<li><code>Restrictable</code> &rarr; An interface from which the privilege name is retrieved, and the
associated value. The value is an object, and is cast to the relevant input in
the concrete privilege policy.
<p>The following privilege policies are already implemented:</p>
<li>DefaultPrivilege &rarr; simple policy where the passed <code>Restrictable</code> is expected to return a
String value, which is compared with allow and deny values.
<li style="margin-top: 1.0em"><i>Internal:</i> RoleAccessPrivilege &rarr; policy used for the internal
privileges <code>PrivilegeGetRole</code>, <code>PrivilegeAddRole</code>,
<code>PrivilegeModifyRole</code> or <code>PrivilegeModifyRole</code></li>
<li><i>Internal:</i> UserAccessPrivilege &rarr; policy used for the internal privileges <code>PrivilegeGetUser</code>,
<code>PrivilegeAddUser</code>, <code>PrivilegeRemoveUser</code>, <code>PrivilegeModifyUser</code>,
<code>PrivilegeAddRoleToUser</code>, <code>PrivilegeRemoveRoleFromUser</code>, <code>PrivilegeSetUserState</code>,
<code>PrivilegeSetUserLocale</code> or <code>PrivilegeSetUserPassword</code></li>
<li><i>Internal:</i> UserAccessWithSameOrganisationPrivilege &rarr; Same as the
<code>UserAccessPrivilege</code> but expects the authenticated user to have a property <code>organisation</code>
and validates that the user being modified is in the same organisation.
<li><i>Internal:</i> UsernameFromCertificatePrivilege &rarr; This policy expects a <code>Restrictable</code>
to return the certificate of another authenticated user and is used when modifying an
authenticated user, i.e. killing a session, or modifying its current state, e.g. locale
<li><i>Internal:</i> UsernameFromCertificateWithSameOrganisationPrivilege &rarr; Same as <code>UsernameFromCertificatePrivilege</code>
but expects the authenticated user to have a property <code>organisation</code> and
validates that the user being modified is in the same organisation.
<p><b>Note:</b> As a rule, the sequence is <code>AllAllowed</code> &rarr; <code>Allow</code> &rarr;
<code>Deny</code> &rarr; <code>default deny</code></p>
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