--- title: Archetypes weight: 10 --- Using the command: `hugo new [relative new content path]`, you can start a content file with the date and title automatically set. While this is a welcome feature, active writers need more: [archetypes](https://gohugo.io/content/archetypes/). It is pre-configured skeleton pages with default front matter. Please refer to the documentation for types of page to understand the differences. ## Chapter {#archetypes-chapter} To create a Chapter page, run the following commands ``` hugo new --kind chapter /_index.md ``` It will create a page with predefined Front-Matter: ```markdown +++ title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date = {{ .Date }} weight = 5 chapter = true pre = "X. " +++ ### Chapter X # Some Chapter title Lorem Ipsum. ``` ## Default To create a default page, run either one of the following commands ``` # Either hugo new //_index.md # Or hugo new /.md ``` It will create a page with predefined Front-Matter: ```markdown +++ title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" date = {{ .Date }} weight = 5 +++ Lorem Ipsum. ```