--- title: 'Web App' weight: 41 --- ## Prerequisites To start developing web-based Strolch apps you need the following: * Apache Tomcat 9.x (10.x isn't supported yet). Just unpack it somewhere, to be used later, when running the application. * NodeJS v11.x (other versions don't work with [Bower](https://bower.io), the installation is described below. {{% notice tip %}} Note: Strolch's Web UI is still using [Polymer 1.x](https://polymer-library.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/feature-overview). This isn't a big concern, as thanks to the polyfills, it works on all browsers, including Internet Explorer 11. {{% /notice %}} ## Install the web dependencies The Strolch Web App uses [NodeJS v11.x](https://nodejs.org/download/release/v11.15.0/) to build the web dependencies. Please download the relevant platform's package, unpack it, and add the `bin` directory to your path variable and add a `NODE_HOME` variable pointing to the root directory of the NodeJS folder. Test that NodeJS is working properly: ```shell $ npm --version 6.8.0 ``` Once NodeJS is installed, then you can prepare the web dependencies: ```shell npm install -g bower npm install -g gulp ``` And then check that both bower and gulp work as expected: ```shell $ bower --version 1.8.14 $ gulp --version [17:22:56] CLI version 2.0.1 ``` ## Creating a Strolch Web App The following shows the maven command to create the new maven project using Strolch's webapp maven archetype. Note that you should replace the placeholders in the brackets: {{% notice warning %}} Note: you need to have the Strolch Maven archetypes installed to your local maven repo, otherwise the following command will fail. {{% /notice %}} ```shell mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=li.strolch \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=strolch.mvn.archetype.webapp \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.1.0-SNAPSHOT \ -DgroupId= \ -DartifactId= \ -Dversion= \ -Dpackage= \ -DappName="" ``` ## Installing the web dependencies In the newly generated artifact, change to the `webapp` folder, and then run `npm install`: ```shell cd /src/main/webapp npm install ``` This will first install the NodeJS modules, and then call bower to install the bower packages. {{% notice warning %}} Note: Whenever the bower.json is changed, e.g. updating a version or adding a package, then you should again call `npm install` inside the webapp folder. {{% /notice %}} ### Building and running the WAR locally Once the web dependencies are installed, all components are available to finally build the WAR and run it on a servlet container. The archetype is pre-configured to run using the `dev-local` Strolch runtime environment configuration. This can be achieved by compiling using the following command: ```shell mvn clean package -Prelease -Dstrolch.env=dev.local ``` Building the WAR uses the `package` maven goal, but to have the optimized WAR use the `release` profile. The environment variable `strolch.env=dev.local` configures the WAR to have its runtime point to the absolute path where the sources are located. After the build is complete, the WAR will be located in the `target/` directory. Copy it to Tomcat's `webapps/` directory and then start tomcat with the following command: ```shell cd tomcat9/bin ./catalina.sh run ``` Tomcat should then see the WAR and deploy it. If everything was setup correctly, then you should see the following in the logs after startup: ```shell INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:283 start - System: OS: Linux 5.16.15 Arch: amd64 on Java Azul Systems, Inc. 17 CPU Cores: 32 INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:284 start - Memory: Memory available 16.8 GB / Used: 604.0 MB / Free: 540.6 MB INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:285 start - Using locale en with timezone Europe/Zurich INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:288 start - file.encoding: UTF-8 / sun.jnu.encoding UTF-8 INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:307 start - :dev All 12 Strolch Components started. Took 120ms. Strolch is now ready to be used. Have fun =)) INFO li.strolch.test.web.StartupListener:43 contextInitialized - Started in 557ms ``` And now you can open a browser and login: `http://localhost:8080/` The default username and password are `admin` / `admin`. After logging in, you should be greeted with the following screen: ![Strolch Demo App](/assets/images/demo-app.png) ### Running the WAR on a remote system The sources currently are configured for the `dev.local` environment. To use the WAR on a remote system, we need to configure another environment, and have the path of the runtime updated in the `StrolchBootstrap.xml` file. Open the file `src/main/resources/StrolchBootstrap.xml` and modify the `root` path in the `test` environment: ```xml /absolute/path/to/runtime test ``` Now you need to copy the existing `runtime` directory to the remote machine at the above location. Now we can build the project using the `test` environment: ```shell mvn clean package -Prelease -Dstrolch.env=test ``` Now copy the WAR from the `target/` directory to the `webapps/` directory of your Tomcat 9.x installation. Now you can start tomcat using: ```shell catalina.sh run ``` In the console you'll then see something like this: ```log INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:283 start - System: OS: Linux 5.16.15 Arch: amd64 on Java Azul Systems, Inc. 17 CPU Cores: 32 INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:284 start - Memory: Memory available 16.8 GB / Used: 604.0 MB / Free: 540.6 MB INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:285 start - Using locale en with timezone Europe/Zurich INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:288 start - file.encoding: UTF-8 / sun.jnu.encoding UTF-8 INFO l.s.a.impl.ComponentContainerImpl:307 start - :test All 12 Strolch Components started. Took 43ms. Strolch is now ready to be used. Have fun =)) INFO c.atexxi.esytest.web.StartupListener:43 contextInitialized - Started in 244ms ``` And now you can open a browser and login: `http://remove-server:8080/` The default username and password are `admin` / `admin`. After logging you, you should see the following view: ![Strolch Demo App](/assets/images/demo-app.png) Happy coding =))