# Strolch website ## GoHugo This website is created with the static site generator [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). ### Theme Uses the [Hugo-theme-learn](https://learn.netlify.app/en/). Special layout components are explained on [learn.netlify.app/en/shortcodes](https://learn.netlify.app/en/shortcodes/notice/). ### Additional tools #### Gallery image view https://www.liwen.id.au/heg/#gallery-usage https://github.com/liwenyip/hugo-easy-gallery/ Example use: ``` {{< gallery >}} {{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< figure link="/assets/... .png" caption="" caption-position="center" caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< /gallery >}} {{< load-photoswipe >}} ``` The last line only must be added once per page if multiple galleries are used. ### Text format All pages are separate md-files inside the [content](content/) directory. The formatting of the text needs to use the rules specified in [commonmark.org](https://spec.commonmark.org/0.29/). ### Test locally To test the site locally, first install Hugo as described on ["Install Hugo"](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/). Example, for Mac: ``` brew install hugo ``` To run the site, open the terminal in the directory with the sources of this site and run the following command: ``` cd strolch.li hugo serve ``` The website is now available on [localhost:1313](http://localhost:1313/). ### Build and run on GitHub Pages Using a GitHub Action, the site is published on each commit into the main branch of this repository. ***The "docs" directory is auto-generated by this GitHub Action so should never be manually touched. This directory is pushed to GitHub Pages.*** This process is described here: * [Automate your GitHub Pages Deployment using Hugo and Actions](https://medium.com/@asishrs/automate-your-github-pages-deployment-using-hugo-and-actions-518b959a51f9) * [Deploy Hugo project to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/deploy-hugo-project-to-github-pages-with-github-actions/20725)