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2022-08-16 14:04:25 +02:00
[{"uri":"","title":"Strolch PLC now also on Maven Central","tags":[],"description":"Strolch PLC version 1.0.7 has been deployed to Maven Central for easier integration into your projects","content":"Strolch PLC now also on Maven Central Strolch PLC version 1.0.7 has been deployed to Maven Central for easier integration into your projects\n To more easily use Strolch PLC in your project, we have now deployed the latest Strolch PLC version to Maven Central. This version 1.0.7 depends on Strolch version 1.6.100.\nEnjoy coding!\n"},{"uri":"","title":"Release of Strolch 1.6.100","tags":[],"description":"The 100. release of the 1.6 branch and a brand new website!","content":"Release of Strolch 1.6.100 The 100. Strolch release of the 1.6 branch and a brand new website!\n Ok, so Maven doesn\u0026rsquo;t exactly have 100 releases on it, but even though we have been quiet on public releases, Strolch has seen many refactorings, fixes, new features etc. over the past three years of its last release.\nSome notable changes:\n I18n Support for StrolchExceptions. Better performance for reports on large joins. Move to JDK 11+. Refactoring to use of Java 9 LocalDateTime and ZonedDateTime where applicable. Added Controllers for better execution handling. Significantly simplified the methods to change the model. Simpler methods to retrieve relationship entities. Updated most libraries to their latest versions. Added a DataArchiveHandler to archive entities. Added require password change feature, and storing of login and password change history LDAP integration Added session keep alive Search expression simplifications New TextParameter for when persisting large values with whitespace and special characters Basic Auth for REST APIs, if no UI needed for scripting Many additional fixes, tweaks and helper functions Another new addition to the Strolch family is Strolch PLC. The Strolch PLC code allows one to use the same model but on a device acting as a soft PLC, e.g. a Raspberry Pi. This PLC code can then communicate using WebSockets with a Strolch instance, having quite seamless interaction with Activities which really shows the potential of using Strolch\u0026rsquo;s model in the shop floor.\nWe\u0026rsquo;ve been running the Strolch PLC in a mission critical shop floor application to control conveyors which are filled by a dispensing robot.\nSo, Strolch 1.6.100 is out the door, go ahead and try it out.\n"},{"uri":"","title":"Strolch Reports","tags":[],"description":"Strolch can do reports!","content":"Strolch Reports Strolch can do reports!\n A feature we haven\u0026rsquo;t written about yet is the report API. Strolch has it\u0026rsquo;s own API to generate reports of data, and since we have a generic model, we use Resource of type Report to define them.\nGo check out the documentation and then enjoy using this easy way to deliver the reports your peers require.\n"},{"uri":"","title":"Strolch Searches","tags":[],"description":"Strolch queries are deprecated!","content":"Strolch Searches Strolch queries are deprecated!\n Strolch has had once again many changes, and fixes etc. One important thing to note is that we have removed support for transactional mode and have rewritten how models are searched. Thus the search API was born.\nGo check out the Strolch Search documentation and then go rewrite your searches =)).\nStrolch tag 1.6.51 has all those juicy changes!\n"},{"uri":"","title":"Wow, the many changes!","tags":[],"description":"So many changes, and so long no update - not good!","content":"Wow, the many changes! So many changes, and so long no update - not good!\n Oh boy, have we forgotten to update you all on the latest awesome features in Strolch! There are over 123 commits since the last tag 1.3.0, so that alone merits a new blog post.\nCurrently the latest tag is 1.5.5, but this version is actually already quite old, as it was created on 31. January 2017 and